目前分類:yukwanyulan的翎毛 (91)
- Jun 04 Tue 2013 13:07
周杰倫 煙花易冷 英文版
- Jun 04 Tue 2013 12:55
陳勢安 勢在必行 英文版
- May 24 Fri 2013 17:43
炎亞綸 紀念日 英文版
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 15:14
周杰倫 開不了口 英文版
Not long after my departure
I began to care about how you were that day
整個畫面是妳 想妳想的睡不著
You occupied my sight, which caused my insomnia
You looked cute when you pouted your lips.
I miss your fragrance perfuming all around
我的快樂是妳 想妳想的都會笑
I smiled as I missed you. You were my source of delight
I felt so trying without you here
Without you here, I felt so trying so vexing
I felt vexing without your bother
I felt trying and vexing without you here
穿過雲層 我試著努力向妳奔跑
Cleaving the clouds, I strove to put in a sprint to you
愛才送到 妳卻已在別人懷抱
But before my love arrived, you'd been in other's arms
就是開不了口 讓她知道
I'm just not brave enough to let you know
我一定會呵護著妳 也逗妳笑
that I will always cosset you and make you laugh
妳對我有多重要 我後悔沒 讓妳知道
I regret not having told you how vital you are to me
安靜的聽妳撒嬌 看妳睡著 一直到老
I just spoiled you and watched you sleep serenely for a long time
就是開不了口 讓她知道
I'm just not brave enough to let you know
就是那麼簡單幾句 我辦不到
It just needed few words bit I couldn't make it
整顆心懸在半空 我只能夠 遠遠看著
My heart is suspended. All I can do is to watch far off
這些我都做得到 但那個人已經不是我
I can do all those things for you, but I won't be the one who you choose
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 15:10
周杰倫 夜曲 英文版
一群嗜血的螞蟻 被腐肉所吸引
The carrion has drawn a swarm of blood thirsty ants
我面無表情 看孤獨的風景
Without expression, I watched the lonely scene
失去妳 愛恨開始分明
Without you, love demarcates from hate
失去妳 還有什麼事好關心
Without you, nothing will catch my attention
The dove no longer represents peace
我終於被提醒 廣場上餵食的是禿鷹
At last I'm reminded that there are hawks being fed on the square
我用漂亮的押韻 形容被掠奪一空的愛情
I try to describe my love, which had been deprived, in beautiful rhymes
啊 烏雲開始遮蔽 夜色不乾淨
Ah, the sky began to cloud. The night was gloomy
公園裡 葬禮的回音 在漫天飛行
In the park, the air was filled with echoes of the dirge
送妳的 白色玫瑰 在純黑的環境凋零
The white roses which I presented withered in pitch darkness
Oddly enough, the crows kept silent in the trees
靜靜聆聽 我黑色的大衣 想溫暖妳 日漸冰冷的回憶
Listen closely. With my black heavycoat, I want to thaw out your freezing memories
走過的 走過的 生命
and the life that we'd undergone
啊 四周瀰漫霧氣 我在空曠的墓地
Ah, it fogs up all around. I stay in the wide graveyard
I'll love you to my old age.
為妳彈奏蕭邦的夜曲 紀念我死去的愛情
I play Chopin's nocturne for you in memory of my deceased love
跟夜風一樣的聲音 心碎的很好聽
The heart-breaking sound like the whoosh is pleasant to the ear
手在鍵盤敲很輕 我給的思念很小心
I pressed the keys lightly to express my yearning carefully
You rest in peace in the nether world
為妳彈奏蕭邦的夜曲 紀念我死去的愛情
I play Chopin's nocturne for you in memory of my deceased love
而我為妳隱姓埋名 在月光下彈琴
I incongnito play the piano for you by moonlight
對妳心跳的感應 還是如此溫熱親近
Still I keep my reactions fervent and close to your heartbeat
I miss your scarlet and ardent kiss
那些斷翅的蜻蜓 散落在這森林
Those wings-broken dragonflies scatter in the forest
而我的眼睛 沒有絲毫同情
Yet my eyes show no sympathy for them
失去妳 淚水混濁不清
Without you, my tears turn so turbid
失去妳 我連笑容都有陰影
Without you, there's a shadow cast on my smile
風在長滿青苔的屋頂 嘲笑我的傷心
On the moss-grown roof, the wind is deriding my sadness,
comparing it to an exhausted well
我用淒美的字型 描繪後悔莫及的那愛情
I depict the romance beyond regret in elegiac form
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 15:04
周杰倫 七里香 英文版
窗外的麻雀 在電線桿上多嘴
The sparrow chirp on the telegraph poles outdoors
妳說這一句 很有夏天的感覺
You said that these words had the flavor of summer
手中的鉛筆 在紙上來來回回
My pencil scribbled to and fro on the paper
I describe what you mean to me in a few lines
秋刀魚 的滋味 貓跟妳都想瞭解
Both you and the cat wanna taste the macheral pike
The fragrance of our first love has been traced back as such
那溫暖 的陽光 像剛摘的 鮮豔草莓
The warmth of the sunshine was like the fresh-cut strawberries
You said that you grudged eating up this kinda feeling
雨下整夜 我的愛溢出就像雨水
It rained all night. My love overflowed like the rainfall
院子落葉 跟我的思念厚厚一疊
The fallen leaves pilled up with my yearning in the yard
幾句是非 也無法將我的熱情冷卻
Despite gossips, my passion for you will never cool down
You existed in every page of my poems
雨下整夜 我的愛溢出就像雨水
It rained all night. My love overflowed like the rainfall.
窗台蝴蝶 像詩裡紛飛的美麗章節
The butterflies were like the gracefully flying stanzas
我接著寫 把永遠愛妳寫進詩的結尾
I kept writing and ended my poem with " love you forever "
You're the only one I wanna realize
那飽滿 的稻穗 幸福了這個季節
The bumper harvest had made the whole season blissful
And your cheeks were as red as the mellow tomatoes
妳突然 對我說 七里香的 名字很美
Suddenly, you told me " Jasmine has a beautiful name "
At this moment I just wanna kiss your rosy lips
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 15:03
周杰倫 米蘭的小鐵匠 英文版
跑遍了牧場 又繞過了村莊
He ran around the pasture and the village
He stood by the bookstall on the corner,
眼睛盯著 隔壁裡的櫥窗一把吉他 遠遠欣賞
gazing at the quitar in the showcase and admiring it faraway
木炭 一籮筐 木炭 一直放 木炭 剩一半
Coal filled the baskets. The coal kept burning. The coal was half burned
火爐燙 小鐵匠存錢買希望 在流汗
Hot oven. The blacksmith toiled to save money for his hope
On the street lined with baroque buildings,
一家煙霧繚繞的酒館 波蘭的吟唱詩人在彈唱
a Polish minstrel was performing ina small inn
小鐵匠在門外 進不去在苦惱
The blacksmith stood outside, troubled about entry.
His coins were still not enough
He was really eager to know
(那首來自東歐的民謠 和弦到底什麼調)
What on earth was the chord of the ballad from Eastern Europe
In Milan, the day was dawning
(那馬蹄鐵還要敲多少 吉他才能買得到)
How many horseshoes should he forge could he afford a guitar
He just couldn't find the answer
(他不知道怎麼辦才好 太苦惱)
He didn't know what to do at all. So vexing
He broke his little piggy bank
(小小願望就快實現了 他在笑)
His earnest wish was gonna come true. So happy
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 15:02
汪東城 我應該去愛你 英文版
沒錯 我在心跳
Yes, my heart is beating
沒錯 愛在燃燒
That's right. Love is burning
I want to reach out to hug you
世界那麼渺小 我們往哪裡逃
This world is so tiny. We have nowhere to hide
故事已決定好 誰是誰的主角
The story itself has typecast the leading roles
想著 你的撒嬌
Thinking of you cute like
看著 你的微笑
gazing at your cute smile
I'm willing to be charmed by you
不怕別人圍剿 不聽誰的勸告
Scorning all besiegers,we're deaf to all advice
躲進我的懷抱 擋住一切風暴
Seek shelter in my arms. I'll shield you from all tempests
全世界還有誰 比我們還絕配
In the world there arenone perfectly matched but us
我應該去愛你 不浪費能幸福的機會
I should have loved you, so we could seize the chance to be blissful
在愛情的面前 你我都太卑微
We're both negligible when facing our passion
愛上了 誰敢反對
Who dares to be against love?
全世界還有誰 比你懂我的淚
Whoelse in th world knows my tears more than you do?
我應該去愛你 要成為被羨慕的一對
I should have loved you, so we could be the enviable lovers
牽你的手 在人海中進退 什麼都笑著面對
Hand in hand, we went across the crowd. We'll face everything with our smiles
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 15:00
汪東城 你在等什麼 英文版
曲:王寅/黃舟 詞:陳信延
觀眾 忍無可忍地 在躁動
The crowd is anxiously clamoring
誰都看得出 你眼中 huh 多出來的溫柔
Everyone sees the ample huh gentleness in your eyes
浪漫 不能太緩慢 要衝動
Romance can't be too slow. Speed it up!
我受夠 前奏拖太久 放開 心裡那隻野獸
I'm fed up with the long prelude. Unleash the beat within our hearts
全世界的鏡頭 緊盯你的 假動作
Your dummy move's in the spotlight all over the world
快跟我熱吻吧 讓衛星去轉播
Kiss me lovingly. Let the satellites relay!
想問你 你在等什麼 不愛我 你要做什麼
Tell me what you are waiting for,what you'll do if you don't love me?
你只要 多猶豫 一分鐘 一定就把我錯過
As long you hesitate once more,certainly you will miss me
告訴我 你在等什麼 要結果 就別說如果
Tell me what you are waiting for. Assumption won't cause the result
你只要 忠於直覺地愛上我 不用想太多
Follow your instinct and fall in love with me without second thoughts
倒數 比心跳還快 像敲鐘
Count down like tolling faster than heartbeats
時間拉警報 誰能夠 huh 裝作無動於衷
Time sounds the alarm. Who can still be dead to all feelings?
寂寞 催促著你我 快掙脫 你手中 無形的枷鎖
Lonesome is urging you and me to cast off the invisible shackles
重獲 最痛快的自由
Regain the greatest freedom!
Baby 告訴我 你還在等什麼 為什麼不敢愛我
Baby tell me what you are still waiting for! Why don't you dare to love me?
或 是我太著急 嚇到了你 還是你還 沒準備好
Is it because of my impatience, or you haven't prepared yet?
時間不多 想愛要把握 機會不多 只剩下這一刻
There is no time. Seize the chance to love! There's no other chances but this moment
讓煙火去燒 why not 就算璀璨 只有一秒
Let the fireworks burn! Why not? Though the radiance lasts just one sec.
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 14:58
汪東城 完美心跳 英文版
How should I let a smile play on lips?
How should I twine my arms around you?
我不停試探 一直創造
I keep probing minds and fine-tuning
The most matching heartbeat for you
但世界太大 幸福有時候 藏匿得太好
But this world is so vast that we can't find where happiness hides
我不怕知道 眼淚的味道
I don't fear to know the taste of teardrops
只怕這完美的眼神 再來不及享受打擾
But dread that I don't have enough time to gaze at you perfectly
我不怕知道 心碎的味道
I don't fear to know the taste of heartbreak
就算未來不來也好 至少讓我享受一秒 現在的心跳
Even if there is no future,for a moment please let me enjoy the heartbeat just now
How should I tell you what's on my mind?
I hadn't even expected these
這世界太吵 如何聽到彼此最真實的心跳
How can we hear each other's truest heartbeat in this bustling world?
我們能不能 再不要計較 結局的飄渺
Can we stop fussing about our ending's ambiguities?
我不怕知道 眼淚的味道
I don't fear to know the taste of teardrops
只怕這完美的眼神 再來不及享受打擾
But dread that I don't have enough time to gaze at you perfectly
我不怕知道 心碎的味道
I don't fear to know the taste of heartbreak
Even if there is no future,for a moment please let me enjoy
現在的心跳 你給的心跳
The heartbeat just now,the heartbeat you start
就算未來不來也好 至少現在我們很好
Even if there is no future,at least we lead a good life now
我不想知道 結果不重要
I don't want to know. Ending's not vital
就算只能愛你一秒 至少能讓我的心跳 完美這一秒
Even though there's just one second to love you, in this second please perfect my heartbeat
- Apr 14 Sat 2012 19:47
飛輪海 Mr.Perfect 英文版
- Apr 14 Sat 2012 18:22
汪東城 假裝我們沒愛過 英文版
- Feb 18 Sat 2012 18:10
周杰倫 我落淚˙情緒零碎 英文版
- Feb 11 Sat 2012 21:07
周杰倫 以父之名 英文版
- Feb 04 Sat 2012 21:09
周杰倫 夜的第七章 英文版
- Dec 10 Sat 2011 21:18
周杰倫 最後的戰役 英文版
- Nov 26 Sat 2011 11:11
周杰倫 水手怕水 英文版
- Nov 26 Sat 2011 11:11
周杰倫 Mine Mine 英文版
- Nov 19 Sat 2011 20:51
周杰倫 晴天 英文版