就這樣吧 請幫我想一個藉口
Let it be so Please make a good excuse for me
請告訴我 一個簡單平凡的理由
Please tell me an ordinary and easy reason
因為我不想繼續 一直玩著機器
'cause I don't want to keep on playing machine all day
在這裡充滿生機 天天都有奇蹟
It is exuberant here,Miracles happen daily
我經常不能呼吸 怎麼會這麼憂鬱
I'm often suffocated How come I'm so dejected
難道我真的有病 還是你們的問題?
Could it be that I'm crazy or in fact it's your problem?
別懷疑 新聞說是好天氣
Don't suspect !The procast says it's sunny!
投降吧 下一個人還是你
Surrender!The next fighter is still you!
趁現在 現在就準備逃離
Seize the chance!Prepare to run away now!
In a nutshell,they're with an aim of evolution
Kinda mystic maybe it's exciting
殘忍點說 這個世界根本不需要你
In ruthless words,this world radically doesn't need your
懂了嗎? 開始人間逃亡記!
Have you got it?Let's flee from the human world!
我每天忙著呼吸 卻忘了誰是自已
I'm busy breathing all day But forget who I should be
人生真是有意義 好多個愛的真締
Life is so significant.Lots of true meaning of love
有天我挖到聖經 發現那只是日記
One day I got the Bible and found it was just diary
再跟你講個秘密 地球其實是正方形
Let me tell you one more secret In fact the earth is a square!
算了吧 最後還是要放棄
Let it go! At last still need to give up!
別忘記 千萬別背叛自已
Don't forget! Should never betray yourself!
忘了吧 反正沒人記得你
Forget it! Since no one remembers you!
就算折翼的翅膀 我仍要展翅飛翔
Even though wings are fractured Still I want soar to great heights
只要感觸到光芒 不放棄編織夢想
As long as I sense the shine,I will keep weaving my dream